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Why use Wiki

In the past, the lab web-site was always allocated to a single lab member. If that one had the website editing ability and was willy to take that responsibility, then he/she might contribute and improve the content of the lab website. Otherwise, they will limit their job to only routine-like the thesis link or the members' portrait update. For example, the previous version of our web-site was made by Jay, so there is no one but Jay managed to keep our web-site going. Although this is perhaps the consequence from the web-site editor. Unless you have the ability to directly manipulate the html language, you need to install the web editor software such as Adobe DreamWeaver first. Besides the authors stylish are also divergent. And if an awesome stupid cowboy just added some shinny start following the mouse cursor, the site was doomed. :-(

So, the features of using Wiki to make web-site are

  1. Not using the web software installed on the personal computer. Instead, using the integration editor on the wiki site. This editor, honestly, is pretty basic, compared with Word or DreamWeaver, and is not WYSIWYG. However, this is the reason why it's so simple. The style of wiki site depends on wiki syntax, not the specific editor. And this syntax is also concise and easy to learn just like Markdown. Although there is a WYSIWYG editor plugin called plugin:ckgedit but I just leave it. Because it simply defeats the purpose of wiki syntax concept.
  1. 不使用個人電腦上的軟體來編輯,而是直接使用wiki內建的編輯器來編輯。這個編輯器老實說,跟Word或者是DreamWeaver比起來很陽春,而且不是所見即所得。但這其實是Wiki本身的目的,因為格式系統的調整是用wiki語法,而不是依靠編輯器。而且這個語法本身很簡潔,頗為接近Markdown語法,不用擔心像是HTML一樣的一堆標籤。所以雖然dokuwiki內可以藉由安裝額外的ckgedit套件來支援所見及所得編輯,但我並沒有安裝,因為這樣做就跟Wiki語言本身的目的相衝突。
  2. 不能隨意更改字型、顏色、大小(除非使用plugin,但這種plugin其實不是非常鼓勵),而是統一使用wiki所提供的格式。段落跟圖片的安排也都不再能隨便調整。但這也是最大的好處,因為這造就了風格上的統一,而且這個風格大概也比自己想的好的多。
  3. 就是人人都可以編輯,這也是因為第一點的好處所致。只要你有瀏覽器跟網路,你就可以編輯。原本Wiki的用意就是要大家都可以編輯,管理員存在的目的只在發生編輯戰的時候跳出來仲裁。不過實驗室Wiki就稍稍有些不同,基本上只允許實驗室成員或者是畢業校友編輯。也希望藉由這個特點,將維護網站的責任交給大家,而不是單一的倒楣鬼。另外,也可以藉此學習Wiki語法,我相信這對於分享知識還有傳承知識會有很多好處,不管是在學校或是以後出社會。

About DokuWiki

DokuWiki 1)是合於標準、簡單易用的Wiki,可用於建立豐富文件儲存庫(白話的說,就是一個網站)。並使用簡潔有力語法,確保資料檔案不在 wiki 中仍是具結構及易於閱讀。

無上限的頁面修正版本記錄,讓使用者可以輕易回復到任何較早的版本。而資料則以純文字檔案的方式儲存,所以不需任何的資料庫。有力的擴充架構讓核心系統可以加上附加元件或增強功能。功能列表中有完整的 DokuWiki 所提供的功能。



就像所有的wiki語法或者是markdown語法一樣,盡量把原本在HTML語言中所使用的標籤符號化。譬如說連結,如果我要連結到到本頁,本頁的地址是http://caslab.ee.ncku.edu.tw/dokuwiki/how_to_contribute,那在HTML中將會成為 本頁

<a href=http://caslab.ee.ncku.edu.tw/dokuwiki/how_to_contribute>本頁</a>




[[how to contribute|本頁]]


How to edit this wiki



The plugins included in this wiki

DokuWiki 的名字來自於 Doku + Wiki , Doku 是德文中 Dokumentationen 的縮寫,也就是英文的 documentation ,文件的意思。
en/why_wiki.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/12 03:25 by elvis