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隨著GPU技術的進步與繪圖效能的提升,視覺運算領域正快速的發展。使用GPU來做大量平行處理的通用運算GPU(GPGPU - General Purpose GPU),以及整合CPU與GPU的異質性系統,不但大幅提升了運算效能,更是研究的趨勢之一。HSA Foundation所提出的Heterogeneous System Architecture,便希望整合CPU與GPU的架構,進一步提升整個系統運算的效能。
Fig. 1: HSA
Fig. 2: GPU Simulator
A fundamental GPU Simulator based on our Custom GPU ISA which includes fixed-size register file, warp scheduler, dispatch unit and SIMD execution units for parallel computing. The Simulator also supports 80 of 110 (73%) instructions, and solution to the divergent control flow and synchronization.
R.A. | Liou Jhe-Yu |
碩士班三年級 | 楊凱翔 |
碩士班二年級 | 陳恆懌 • 黃昀棨 |
碩士班一年級 | 謝宛珊 • 許冠傑 |
大學部 |