
Computer Architecture and System Laboratory







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group:gpu [2014/11/22 15:26]
group:gpu [2019/09/24 07:17]
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 <WRAP round todo> //**請GPU組成員協助編輯**// </WRAP> <WRAP round todo> //**請GPU組成員協助編輯**// </WRAP>
-====== GPU架構設計 ======+====== GPGPU架構設計 ====== 
 +GPGPU提供可大量平行化(Massive Parallel)的編程模型(Programming Model),讓易於平行化的應用程式能獲能效能上的躍進,而在硬體架構方面,GPGPU的運算單元為SIMT架構,相較於MIMD架構的處理器,SIMT架構因資料流的單調性更能在相同製程條件下提供遠大於MIMD的運算單元數量,在運算效能極限(Peak Performance)方面佔有絕對優勢。
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行 11: 行 12:
 (Unified Shader GPU Architecture based on HSA) (Unified Shader GPU Architecture based on HSA)
-隨著GPU技術的進步與繪圖效能的提升,視覺運算領域正快速的發展。使用GPU來做大量平行處理的通用運算GPU(General Purpose GPU),以及整合CPU與GPU的異質性系統,不但大幅提升了運算效能,更是研究的趨勢之一。HSA Foundation所提出的異質運算系統架構(Heterogeneous System Architecture),便希望整合CPU與GPU的架構,進一步提升整個系統運算的效能。+隨著GPU技術的進步與繪圖效能的提升,視覺運算領域正快速的發展。使用GPU來做大量平行處理的通用運算GPU(GPGPU - General Purpose GPU),以及整合CPU與GPU的異質性系統,不但大幅提升了運算效能,更是研究的趨勢之一。[[http://www.hsafoundation.com/|HSA Foundation]]所提出的異質運算系統架構(Heterogeneous System Architecture),便希望整合CPU與GPU的架構,進一步提升整個系統運算的效能。
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 +<imgcaption image1|HSA>{{ :group:HSA_lab.png?250}}</imgcaption>
 === 異質系統架構 === === 異質系統架構 ===
-**1. HSA Immediate Language** + 
-\\ HSA introduced a low-level intermediate language, which is portable across multiple platforms. +  - **HSA Immediate Language** \\ HSA introduced a low-level intermediate language, which is portable across multiple platforms. 
-\\ **2. hetergeneous Uniform Memory Access (hUMA)** +  **Hetergeneous Uniform Memory Access (hUMA)** \\ Unified Memory Address Space reduces memory bandwidth between CPU and GPU to improve performance. 
-\\ Unified Memory Address Space reduces memory bandwidth between CPU and GPU to improve performance. +  **Hetergeneous Queuing (hQ)** \\ GPU and CPU have equal flexibility to create and dispatch work items which reduces dispatch latency to GPU.
-\\ **3. hetergeneous Queuing (hQ)** +
-\\ GPU and CPU have equal flexibility to create and dispatch work items which reduces dispatch latency to GPU. +
-\\ +
-\\ +
-{{:group:HSA_lab.png?300| HSA}}+
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 ===== 研究成果 ===== ===== 研究成果 =====
- +<imgcaption image2|GPU Simulator>{{ :group:HSA_Sim_lab.png?250}}</imgcaption> 
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-此模擬器包含: +  - **Custom GPU ISA** \\ Which is based on the HSAIL BRIG and Nvidia PTX Virtual ISA 
-\\ +  **HSAIL to HSA Binary Translator** 
-\\ **1. Custom GPU ISA**  +  **GPU Simulator** 
-\\ Which is based on the HSAIL BRIG and Nvidia PTX Virtual ISA + 
-\\ **2. HSAIL to HSA Binary Translator** +A fundamental GPU Simulator based on our Custom GPU ISA which includes fixed-size register file, warp scheduler, dispatch unit and SIMD execution units for parallel computing. The Simulator also supports 80 of 110 (73%) instructions, and solution to the divergent control flow and synchronization.
-\\ **3. GPU Simulator** +
-\\ A fundamental GPU Simulator based on our Custom GPU ISA which includes fixed-size register file, warp scheduler, dispatch unit and SIMD execution units for parallel computing. The Simulator also supports 80 of 110 (73%) instructions, and solution to the divergent control flow and synchronization. +
-\\ +
-\\ +
-{{:group:HSA_Sim_lab.png?300| GPU Simulator}}+
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 ===== 團隊成員 ===== ===== 團隊成員 =====
 ==== 現任成員 ==== ==== 現任成員 ====
- +^ 碩士班二年級    | | 
-^ 研究助理        | [[:en:member:elvis|劉哲宇]] | +^ 碩士班一年級    | |
-^ 碩士班三年級    | 楊凱翔 | +
-^ 碩士班二年級    | 陳恆懌 • 黃昀棨+
-^ 碩士班一年級    | 謝宛珊 • 許冠傑|+
 ^ 大學部    || ^ 大學部    ||
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 ===== 外部連結 ===== ===== 外部連結 =====
-1. [[http://www.hsafoundation.com/|HSA Foundation]]+  - [[http://www.hsafoundation.com/|HSA Foundation]]
group/gpu.txt · 上一次變更: 2019/09/24 10:02 由 admin