
Computer Architecture and System Laboratory

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en:start [2014/11/13 06:17]
elvis Correct the grammar by 陳當奇
en:start [2019/09/24 09:38] ↷ 鏈結因頁面移動而自動修正
Line 1: Line 1:
-<WRAP round tip centeralign> //**Congradulation! \\ [[member:Jay|Jay]] Get his Phd degree in \\ Institute of Computer and Communication Engineer**//</WRAP> 
 ====== Introduction ====== ====== Introduction ======
--------------------------- +CASLab, established in 1999, is now led by [[en:member:advisor]] and has 19 members including 3 Phd, 9 Master, and 7 undergrades. We concentrate on three topics: Architecture, Video, and Network. 
-CASLab, established in 1999, is now led by Prof. Chung-Ho Chen and has 19 members including 3 Phd, 9 Master, and 7 undergrades. We concentrate on three topics: Architecture, Video, and Network. +
 The details are elaborated as below: The details are elaborated as below:
Line 13: Line 10:
     * SoC Integration     * SoC Integration
     * ESL Design & Full System Simulation      * ESL Design & Full System Simulation 
-  * [[group:video|Video Group]]+  * [[group:GPU|GPU Group]]
     * 3D Graphic Processor     * 3D Graphic Processor
-    * Media Processor +    * Heterogeneous System Architecture 
-  * [[group:network|Network Group]]:+  * [[group:ai|Network Group]]:
     * Network Simulator: ESL Network Virtual Platform (NetVP)       * Network Simulator: ESL Network Virtual Platform (NetVP)  
     * Network Processor: TCP/IP Offload Engine (TOE)     * Network Processor: TCP/IP Offload Engine (TOE)
Line 24: Line 21:
 \\ \\
-====== Advisor ====== 
-[[member:advisor|{{wiki:pic_adervisor.jpg?250 |Prof. Chen}}]] 
-//**Prof. Chung-Ho Chen**//  
-__[[callto>886627527575#62394|+886-6-2757575 ext. 62394]]__ 
-====== Contact Information ======= 
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
 <WRAP half column> <WRAP half column>
 +===== Contact Information ======
 +[[https://www.google.com/maps/@22.9980321,120.2227529,18z?hl=en|{{ map.png?450 }}]] \\
 +[[google>92617R, EE Department Building, No. 1, Da-Tsuen Rd., Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. ]] \\ 
 +__[[callto>88662757575#62400#1722|+886-6-2757575 ext. 62400 ext. 1722]]__ \\ 
 +[[admim@caslab.ee.ncku.edu.tw|Mailto Admin]]
-<olmap id="olmap" width="300px" height="150px" lat="22.99659" lon="120.22229" zoom="15" statusbar="1" toolbar="1" controls="1" poihoverstyle="0" baselyr="google road" gpxfile="" kmlfile="" summary="成大"> +<WRAP half column> 
- +===== ProfChung-Ho Chen ===== 
-22.99659,120.22229,0,1,marker.png,92617R, EE Department Building, #1, Da-Tsuen Rd., Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.  +[[en:member:advisor|{{ wiki:pic_advisor.jpg?250 }}]] \\ 
-</olmap>+__[[callto>886627527575#62394|+886-6-2757575 ext62394]]__ \\ 
 +__[[chchen@mail.ncku.edu.tw]]__ \\ 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP half column>  
-__[[callto>88662757575#62400#1722|+886-6-2757575 ext. 62400 ext. 1722]]__ 
-[[google>92617R, EE Department Building, #1, Da-Tsuen Rd., Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. ]] 
-[[admim@casmail.ee.ncku.edu.tw|Mailto Admin (May be ignored)]] :-( 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 \\ \\
en/start.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 04:38 by admin