====== Introduction ====== CASLab, established in 1999, is now led by [[en:member:advisor]] and has 19 members including 3 Phd, 9 Master, and 7 undergrades. We concentrate on three topics: Architecture, Video, and Network. \\ {{caslab_gpgpu_ai_asic_design_2020.pdf|Caslab GPGPU and AI ASIC Design}} The details are elaborated as below: * [[group:architecture|Architecture Group]]: * Computer Architecture * Multi-Core Architecture * CPU/Microprocessor Design & Testing * SoC Integration * ESL Design & Full System Simulation * [[group:GPU|GPU Group]] * GPGPU Architecture * GPGPU Design & Testing * Heterogeneous System Architecture * [[group:ai|Network Group]]: * MDFI(Micro-Darknet for Inference) for helping NN accelerator design * Virtual Platform Development * AI Accerlator * General Purpose GPU ====== Current Project ====== * [[research:project|Project]] * Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST) * Qualcomm Semiconductor Corporation * Delta Products Corporation ====== Technology Transfer ====== * {{research:caslab-gpusim_.pdf|CASLAB-GPUSIM}} * {{research:portable_riscstack_technology.pdf|portable riscstack technology}} * {{research:mdfi_introduction_caslab.pdf|MDFI - A NN Framework for Inference on Edge Devices}} * [[https://youtu.be/coYwDF889c0|Demonstration of AI Indoor Localization(穿戴式顯示器之醫用程式系統開發計畫)]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3TiRKujD9c&list=PLSr2oRgdnWF2WUAdVN3GhiYOFfN8WE_Iw|Demonstration of CASLab-GPU and AI accerator]] * \\ ===== Contact Information ====== [[https://www.google.com/maps/@22.9980321,120.2227529,18z?hl=en|{{ map.png?450 }}]] \\ [[google>92617R, EE Department Building, No. 1, Da-Tsuen Rd., Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. ]] \\ __[[callto>88662757575#62400#1722|+886-6-2757575 ext. 62400 ext. 1722]]__ \\ [[admim@caslab.ee.ncku.edu.tw|Mailto Admin]] ===== Prof. Chung-Ho Chen ===== [[en:member:advisor|{{ wiki:pic_advisor.jpg?250 }}]] \\ __[[callto>886627527575#62394|+886-6-2757575 ext. 62394]]__ \\ __[[chchen@mail.ncku.edu.tw]]__ \\ [[en:Member:advisor|more...]] \\ {{tabinclude>en:tab:research|Research, en:tab:group|Group, en:tab:member|Member, en:tab:course|Course}}